Four Body System to Support Your Ascension

We are multi-dimensional beings. All of our lives we have altered and worked on our dimensions and that is why we can not resolve issues from past lives on the other side. We also choose to bring certain issues by the choices we make before coming into this incarnation. (i.e. Genetics)

We are currently in a time when everyone is going to be confronted with the options of growing into our higher spiritual self. That is why this is such a time of change and challenges.

The way to grow and interact with our four main body layers on our path to Ascension by integrating these layers with each other. The more self-aware we become the more we will be able to integrate all of our layers.


Increase awareness of your body. Determine what you can put in your body to help or hurt your body. Become of what mental, emotional and spiritual actions effect your body. Evaluate and implement what you need to do physically and what movement benefits your body. Connect with your breath. Determine how to connect to your environment and nature. Find a way to work on and balance your Chakra system. Find something physical to connect you to your Spiritual


Your emotional is strongly connected to your sub conscious. All anger and fear are completely useless and need to be cleared. Limitations and insecurities also need to be released and over come because they cause blocks that stop you from moving forward. Eliminate people and situations that are unproductive or damaging. You can use your physical and mental to affect your emotional. Try to learn to express your emotional self when you become aware of your feelings. Do not become stuck in your emotion. Commit to letting go of any unproductive emotions. Determine if emotions are really yours or were they put on to you by others.


Try to step outside yourself an observe things neutrally for both yourself and others. Observe and don’t get invested in the outcome. Forgive yourself and say it out loud. Be aware of and try to avoid mind control. Learn to train your brain to turn off and not have to explain everything all the time.


Increase your interconnection to all things, through source. Try to connect to your core essence, not what your mind thinks you are. Find your way of meditating and do it on a regular basis. Find ways to connect your mind, body and spirit. Confront the idea that all things external and internal are connected. If you don’t change the internal you can’t change the external. If you don’t change the external, you can’t change the internal. Learn how to connect to The Source through guides, angels or spiritual family.